Life-changing, reconstructive facial surgery for babies and children in Pakistan.

OPSA stands for Overseas Plastic Surgery Appeal – a registered charity (Registered Charity No: 1116561) that provides free surgical procedures to poor children and young adults. We operate to correct facial abnormalities including cleft lip and palate.

Our work transforms lives. It truly gives young people a face they can live with, enabling them to learn to speak properly, to go to school and to become useful members of their society. Without our help, these children are consigned to ill health and a social ostracism.

So how does it work?

Often a relatively simple operation is all that is needed to give a child a face they can live with.

All the members of the medical team working with OPSA give their time free and no money is spent on administrative costs; it is all done by volunteers.

This means that every penny of every donation we receive goes directly towards our next trip and to changing children’s lives forever. Your donations really do make a difference.