SHE can’t remember why she wanted to become a nurse. She just knows she never wanted to be anything else.
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SHE can’t remember why she wanted to become a nurse. She just knows she never wanted to be anything else.
There's hardly a free seat in the waiting room. Mothers cradled babies in their arms, fathers try to keep older children
DENTIST Sumeya Ibrahim travelled to Pakistan with the OPSA team on its Spring 2017 mission as part of the charity's multi-disciplinary approach to cleft repair.
HE needed surgery to correct a cleft lip and palate but, everywhere his mother took him, they were sent away.
'If you have a dream, you and your friends can make it happen'
The Welsh parents of a baby girl born with a cleft lip and palate have
Grandmother rushes eight-day-old baby to Cleft Hospital in Gujrat for help
HE walks in through the glass doors, the dark-haired baby in a pretty red outfit clutched to his chest.
AN electrician, he survives on odd jobs to put bread on the table.Shahid Kouser, 30, felt blessed when wife Shezana gave birth to son Ahesem in 2006 and then Abdullah two years later.
IT is not yet midday and, already, the temperature is marching past 30 degrees.
Spring 2017 @OpsaCharityUK Mission under way
He decided to specialise in cleft lip and palate surgery to give children the chance of brighter and happier futures.
Surgeons and medical staff are preparing for their next trip to Pakistan to transform the lives of children born with severe facial deformities.
We have just returned from Gujrat in Pakistan for the 2nd of our bi-annual trips to undertake cleft lip and palate surgery for underprivileged and impoverished children.
Penny travelled to Pakistan on 20.2.16 for 8 days to raise awareness of the stigma of breast cancer in Pakistan. Pakistan has an increasing incidence of breast cancer, which affects a younger population than in the UK. Penny also completed several lectures and operations on women during her trip.